Power supply to Khesht oil field

Power supply to Khesht oil field

According to units of Khesht power supply with a nominal capacity MVA 12 that its studies started in2005 and in the middle of year in 2006 ended and its EPC plan stated in 2008 an ended in 2011.

Location: Konartakhteh city, fars province

Brief description of project goals:

Power supply to the processing units of Khesht includes establishment 20/66 KW, in the vicinity of Khesht, construction of two circuit line of Taksimeh 66 KW from future post builder 230/66 KW Vahdateyeh to post 20/66 KW mentioned in the preceding paragraph in length of 15Km and network 20 Kilo vat of wellhead in length of 8 Km.

Work explanation:

Power supply to processing units of Khesht includes:

  • Establishment 63/20 Kilo Vat in vicinity of Khesht unit CPF
  • Construction of line transmission 63 KW from Vahdateyeh to CPF in length of 15 Km
  • Construction lines 20 KW for feeding domestic wellhead and residential camp in length of 8 Km
  • Construction of two machines 63 KW in Vahdateyeh
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