Posted By : | Date :04-25-2016
Client: Oil Industries Engineering & Construction (OIEC) Location of this phase is in the Persian Gulf and the site No.1 Special Economic Zone of South Pars which is located in BANDAR ASALOUYEH. The main objection of this project is the following: 25 million cubic meters of gas sweeting ( changing sour gas to gas sweeting) and send it to nation grid, sour gas of this containing compounds such as CO2, H2S and mercaptans and condensate which should be separated from the gas inlet before transfer in to nationwide. Another purpose…
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Posted By : | Date :04-24-2016
Client: Petroleum Engineering and Development Company (PEDEC) The Plan Management of this project was awarded to OEID and Kish Petroleum Engineering Co. (KPE). The execution of this project took 40 months and ended in March 2012. The project activities are as following: Detailed drilling and operation schedule preparation Geology schedule preparation Well complement with a detailed activity schedule Drilling Supervision Well completion supervision Well testing operation supervision Acidizing supervision Geology supervision Well coring supervision Coiled tubing supervision Well logging supervision Coiled tubing supervision
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Posted By : | Date :04-24-2016
Client: Petroleum Engineering & Development Company (PEDEC) Description: Azadegan Oil Field is located South Western corner of Iran in the province of Khuzestan near the border between Iran and Iraq. In the first phase of field development, oil and gas collected of 176 new wells in addition to 25 existing wells (201 wells) by ten central collection unit (Manifold) and gas oil separation plants (GOSP) in North and South and then will be transferred to central processing unit (CTPE).15 wells of 176 new wells, will be implemented in the early production…
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Posted By : | Date :04-24-2016
Client: National Iranian South Oil Company (NISOC) Location: Kabod oil field is located in 70 kilometers north of Andimeshk. Description: The project was to increase the production of oil field up to 12 thousand barrels per day was associated with observing avoid burring gases and avoid compliance is included: Construction of 2 well head equipment (KB2 , KB3) Construction of two series of pipeline 6-inch ground wells KF2 KF3 with Length approximately 6 Km Development Of Kabod Separation Field( KSF) Construction of 10- inch underground pipeline to transport oil along…
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Posted By : | Date :04-24-2016
Client: National Iranian South Oil Company Description: The field is located between Naft Sefid and MaNaTin in the northeast of Ahwaz. The field was discovered in 1306 and it was the first tank of the gas injection. The length and width was respectively, 32 and 4/8 and now two units operating of Haftkel 1 and Haftkel 4 is responsible for processing oil field. To optimize processing system and also collection and gas injection oil field of Haftkel, is scheduled to take the following actions: Construction of manifold and cluster with…
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Posted By : | Date :04-24-2016
Client: NISOC Type of project: PC The subject is transferring multi way saline oil to Gachsaran 1 production unit, separating the present production equipment in production unit, designing, constructing, and installing degassing tank, constructing 16 and 6 inch pipelines for transferring oil and connate water respectively from Gachsaran 1 production unit, Gachsaran 2 desalting unit connate water respectively from Gachsaran 1 production unit, Gachsaran 2 desalting unit, constructing 8-inch pipelines of Northeast, Southwest, burners. Connection of pipeline 4 inch, waste disposal to new pipeline, transmission of associated water, construction of…
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Posted By : | Date :04-24-2016
Client: Iranian Central Oil Fields Company (ICOFC) This Project was awarded to OEID in 2004. The project included the construction of Exploitation unit, desalting unit and Utilities Location: NaftShahr oil field is located approximately 100 km northwest of Ilam and 230 km southwest of Kermanshah. It is a common field with Iraq and provides some of the feed for Kermanshah refinery. After Iraq-Iran war, reconstruction of the equipment at this refinery was incomplete and did not have safety equipment and measurement systems. The purpose of this project was design and construct…
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Posted By : | Date :04-24-2016
Client: National Iranian South Oil Company (NISOC) Location: The Project is located in the region of Dashte Balot region, Gachsaran city. Based on the tender, construction desalting unit of Gachsaran NO.2 and facilities for processing salty petroleum was awarded to OEID Description This project was awarded to OEID in form EPC. The major part of project includes the design, construction and production of 2 rows of desalting unit (Capacity of 55,000 barrels per day), design and implementation of water systems thinners, oil contaminated wastewater treatment, compressed air supply fuel gas…
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